Press Release: RabBeats Introduces RC10000 to the United States

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Audacious Declaration Audacious Declaration Of Uniqueness
Regular Delight Regular Delight Protected Against Dry Hits
Instantaneous Vape Instantaneous Vape Status
RabBeats Concerning RabBeats
  • Brand-new RabBeats unveils their debut offering.
  • Maximum enjoyment provided by a clever high-puff disposable vaporizer
  • This revolutionary product provides a stable and enduring experience.

United States, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 26, 2023 — The next-generation disposable device, the RC10000, with a 10,000 puff capacity, is formally introduced to the US by industry disruptor RabBeats.

The RC10000 boasts an above-average performance through the last puff, enhancing the enjoyment of every hit, thanks to Mesh Coil technology. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, this innovative gadget offers a completely immersive experience.

Audacious Declaration Of Uniqueness

RC10000 makes a strong statement of uniqueness by standing out with its alluring surface. When viewed from different perspectives, the magnificent artwork with nanoscale optical coatings and layered texture exhibits a shimmering and reflecting effect that gives its overall style a sense of movement and curiosity.

Even more cleverly, when the nozzle hits, a bright loop of light envelops it, echoing the brand's tagline, "Illuminate Your Grip." The gadget expresses itself brilliantly and captivatingly in the ways that it illuminates and feels to grasp and interact with.

After carefully considering the various needs of its users, RabBeats created two unique editions for RabBeats RC10000 . While the Dinmol version elegantly displays a single color, capturing the essence of six single fruit flavors, the Sunit edition celebrates the pleasant mixture of ten mixed fruit flavors, with one to three colors reflected on the shimmering surface.

Regular Delight Protected Against Dry Hits

With an 18 ml capacity and a USB Type-C rechargeable battery, this device satisfies consumers' long-lasting needs for enjoyment with up to 10,000 puffs.

The Mesh Coil-powered RC10000 ensures a consistent taste replication and provides an exceptional smoothness in the mouthfeel. Its complex flavors—especially a well balanced sweetness—enhance and elevate the vaping experience as a whole. This vape delivers a long-lasting and pleasant mouthfeel, with each hit leaving a lingering aftertaste for total flavor fulfillment.

Furthermore, the RC10000's dry hit prevention feature eliminates burnt or disagreeable flavors on inadequate e-liquid or right away after charging. By facilitating intelligent forecasting and power cutoff, it achieves a delicate equilibrium in the e-liquid-to-power ratio.

Instantaneous Vape Status

A real-time power and e-liquid display are integrated into the RC10000 along with a long-lasting enhanced mouthfeel. Its screen automatically displays the battery and e-liquid levels, enabling users to quickly check the state of the gadget and take advantage of every worry-free moment.

Concerning RabBeats

RabBeats, a recent international vaping company, describes itself as the disruptive leader in the sector. In addition to displaying its unconventional brand positioning, RabBeats communicates imagination and creativity in its founding principles. Recognizing the importance of rhythm in our daily lives, RabBeats occupies a distinctive niche in the market. Specialized product design and a unique brand image work together to keep RabBeats interesting.

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