Juul Resolves Cases with Six Additional States for $462 Million

With six states, including California and New York, having resolved cases against the vape manufacturer for $462 million, only five states remain unagreed upon conditions. Juul was accused in the lawsuits of purposefully marketing its nicotine-containing product to minors.

Agreements with California, Colorado, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Mexico, New York, and the District of Columbia were included in the settlement that was made public today. Attorney General Patrick Morrisey of West Virginia said on Monday that his state and Juul had reached a $7.9 million settlement.

Juul Is Not Permitted To Appear In Virtual Reality Advertisements.

According to New York State Attorney General Letitia James , Juul Labs has consented to a variety of sales and marketing limitations in addition to financial payments—the majority of which the firm has been following for a number of years. Among them are:

  • Avoid doing any marketing that is directed towards children, such as using any person under the age of 35 in advertisements or financing, running campaigns for youth prevention or education, or supporting events that take place in schools.
  • Set a cap on the total amount of retail and online purchases that one person is permitted to make. Conduct routine retail compliance checks at 5% of New York's retail locations that have carried JUUL products for at least four years.
  • Safeguard Juul merchandise behind store counters.
  • Check the age of customers who directly sell or advertise its items on the internet.
  • (Note: Juul products do not include synthetic nicotine.) Treat synthetic nicotine as nicotine.
  • Avoid giving away free or inexpensive JUUL capsules to customers as samples.
  • To educate the public about how JUUL caused a public health emergency, increase financing to a document depository by up to $5 million and add millions of pertinent papers to the depository.
  • Don't include product placement in VR platforms.

The provisions of the deal with Juul also apply to former Juul Labs directors and executives Adam Bowen, Hoyoung Huh, James Monsees, Nicholas Pritzker, and Riaz Valani, as well as any companies they may own that market nicotine products.

According to James, "underage vaping abatement programs" will be the focus of New York State's $112.7 million allotment over the course of eight years as part of the settlement. In 2019, Juul was sued by New York State.

Juul Is Currently In Charge Of Paying Settlements Totaling Nearly $3 Billion.

Juul has consented to pay nearly $3 billion in litigation settlements over the last two years, not counting the amounts made today. However, the settlement parties will be left squabbling over scraps if the FDA rejects Juul Labs' main JUUL pod vape and its refill pods. The business is having difficulty staying relevant and financially stable.

Now that Juul Labs has established agreements with states and other entities, they find themselves in the awkward position of wanting the firm to flourish so that it can meet its responsibilities to them. They will not get their well-earned millions back if Juul fails.

North Carolina was the first state to settle its legal dispute with Juul Labs in June 2021. Washington State, Arizona, and Louisiana came next. Thirty-three states (plus Puerto Rico) reached a $439 million settlement with the business last September. Juul consented to a $38.8 million settlement with Pennsylvania two months later. Iowa collected $5 million shortly after.

In December of last year, Juul also consented to pay $1.7 billion to resolve over 10,000 lawsuits filed on various grounds by people, cities, school districts, and American Indian tribes.

Alaska, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, and Missouri are the final states that have active lawsuits against Juul Labs, based on our count. The only state to do so far is Minnesota, which has gone to trial against the vape manufacturer.

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